No - I Didn't Have A Baby!
Yes - We Rescued A Dog!

Here Are The Stats:
Name: Miley Cyrus Brown
Gender: Female
DOB: April 19, 2009
Breed: Whippet / Bull Terrier
Color: Black / Brown / Rust
The Story: Miley was taken care of by another family since birth. Unfortunately (or fortunately for us), the dad of that family go laid off and they were no longer able to take care of the dog. So - off to the animal shelter she went.
I've been wanting a dog. I don't know why and I'm not sure when it hit me. Maybe it's because everybody I know is having babies....and I decided long ago that I don't want anymore kids. Maybe it's my way of fulfilling a suppressed desire to share something special with Jim now that we're married. I'm not sure exactly why it is....but I have really been wanting a dog. I've spent hours and hours online looking at dogs for adoption at all the local animal shelters. I've spent time doing research. I've even looked at adopting from another state. I've always known if we ever got a dog, we would rescue one from a shelter.
A couple of weeks ago, I asked Jim if we could take the girls to just go look. I convinced him it would help me know what kind of dog I wanted, so when we were ready this summer, I would know exactly what to look for. Now - if you know me at all, you will know that my intention was never to "just look". No, no, no. I thought for sure Jim would be able to see right through me. But to my surprise, he agreed to just "go look". So we wrote down the addresses of a couple of animal shelters, one in Kent and two in Bellevue. We started at the shelter in Kent.
First dog - I knew right away! She was the one. I convinced Jim to fill out the paperwork so we could take her out of the kennel and take her for a walk. He easily agreed. It was all part of my plan. See - Jim grew up with dogs and I knew how much he loved having a dog. So I knew all I had to do was find a dog he could easily fall in love with and we'd be taking the dog home. I knew the first one we saw was our dog. She was so mild mannered and let us put our hands in the cage and pet her. When we took her for a walk, she did so good on the leash and with the girls. It was great! I could tell by the look on Jim's face that he was pretty excited too.
When we gave the dog back to the volunteer, I asked Jim what he thought. He told me she was a great dog, but he didn't bring any cash or a checkbook. Well - I had already planned ahead and I knew there was a checkbook conveniently located in the glove box of his car. I told him to go look in the car just in case. When he walked back in, the girls all screamed and hugged him. We were getting our dog!
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