1. I am finally admitting that I am sick. It's not the nagging, mucous-producing cough that has persisted for the last 8 weeks, or the fact that I can't take full breaths when breathing without sending myself into a 20 minute coughing fit, or the lack of energy that has finally convinced me. No, it's the fact that my ears and nose are now plugged that has lead to this admission. The doctor two weeks ago listened to my lungs and said the following: "I can hear a rattling when you breathe, but not in your lungs." Really? Well if you didn't hear it in my lungs when I was BREATHING, then please tell me...where exactly DID you hear it again? He couldn't give me a better explanation. I'm seeking out a second opinion.
2. Our dog is spoiled. More spoiled than our kids have ever been. Is that sad? At least the dog never talks back.
3. I'm tired of cooking dinner. I am SO not creative when it comes to cooking. We've had tacos more times than I can count and even though they are Kayla's FAVORITE, even she turned the idea down the other night. I need quick and easy dinner ideas. And I also want one of these (hint, hint honey):
KitchenArt 57010 Pro Auto Measure Carousel
4. The following addition(s) to my already busy schedule may contribute to my lack of enthusiasm about making dinners:
Monday - Zumba @ 7:00 pm
Tuesday - Swimming @ 7:00 pm
Wednesday - Zumba @ 7:00 pm
Thursday - Cycling 6:00 pm
Friday - Family Zumba 4:30 pm
Saturday - Zumba 10:30 am
I love Zumba! If I had known about Zumba 10 years ago, I would have been doing it all along. I'm so in love and look forward to it all the time! I find myself going through withdrawals if I miss it. Including this weekend but as you all know - I'm officially sick.
Committing to these classes makes my week a little stressful since I work in Kirkland and on a good day, I am able to leave by 6:00 pm at the earliest. Mondays and Wednesdays are tough - but I'm committed to going - even if it means leaving a mess at working and going in extra early the next day to finish what I should have done the night before. Luckily my boss is understanding.
5. We were supposed to go to Spokane this weekend and spend some time with Jim's brother for his birthday. Unfortunately (or fortunately for me), Jim's sister-in-law ended up being admitted to the hospital for some kind of bacterial infection (we don't know much more). I was really looking forward to getting out of town and spending some time with the girls, but am actually kind of glad we didn't end up going. There's nothing worse than being sick and not having the comforts of home.
That's all I have to share. Maybe my lack of cooking creativity is invading my blogging creativity. Maybe it's just because I'm sick. Check back later.
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