Well - we made it! On May 22nd, Jim and I participated in the city of Auburn's annual Dog Trot 5K run as part of the city's Pet Palooza. This was Jim's first 5K run and he did great! The dog and I had to push a head at times, but Jim eventually caught up and we finished the run together in 44:36. My personal goal was to finish in under 45 minutes - so I'm happy that I reached my goal. Not bad considering the weather had been horrible in the weeks leading up to this run, so we weren't really able to do any serious running to get ready.
We woke up to the sound of rain and I really wasn't looking forward to running with the dog in the rain. But just as we got to the park, the rain let up and we actually experienced breaks of sun throughout the day.
After the run, we spent the afternoon walking around the park and visiting the different animal vendors, collecting free products and buying others that we just HAD to have. It was a great afternoon and the girls had a lot of fun.

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