Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween With The Browns

I know it's been a while (like 2 months a while), but I told you in the beginning that blogging hasn't exactly been my strong suit over the years. However, I am trying and I think I finally have enough news to keep you reading for the next 15 - 20 minutes. Please - try to enjoy.

Since we don't ever have all three girls together on Halloween, we made plans to celebrate this dark and scary holiday with all three of them a week early. As it turned out, my parents' church was hosting their annual "Trunk-or-Treat" event the same weekend so we got the girls all dressed up and headed down for the festivities on Saturday. The pictures may be a bit small, but can be viewed larger by clicking on them.

~~ Halloween Dinner ~~

~~ Kelsey was a Ketchup Bottle and Katlynne was a Surgeon ~~

~~ Kayla was a pink Lady Bug ~~

~~ All Three Girls - Ready To Go ~~

~~ Great-Grandma Dressed Up Too!!! ~~

After dinner, it was time to head out to the parking lot where people had decorated their trunks and the kids went "trick-or-treating" from trunk to trunk (hence the event name "Trunk-or-Treat"). It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of comments on our decorations. I believe I heard one gentleman say as he was walking away: "that's the best one here"! We got together a few fake body parts and wrapped them in bloody gauze and had Katlynne dress up as a deadly Surgeon. She handed out chocolate eyeballs and gummy body parts to those who dared come near.

I have to mention that we may have permanently scarred one little boy. He hesitated before walking up to the car and had the following conversation with Katlynne:

Little Boy: "What happened to this guy?"

Katlynne (not realizing the little boy seriously thought the body parts belonged to a real person): "We had to cut him up."

Little Boy (eyes bigger than before): "How come?"

Katlynne: "Because he died from cancer."

Little Boy (as he's walking away): "Mom! They cut up a guy who died from cancer!"

~~ Kayla, Katlynne, Kesley, and Grams ~~

~~ Katlynne Playing the Deadly Surgeon ~~

~~ Gruesome - But Creative I Must Say ~~

~~ Katlynne Getting Ready to Hand Out the Goods ~~
And so ended the lovely Halloween festivities. I am realizing at this moment that we never set aside time to carve pumpkins this year!!! Now I'm bummed - but hopefully we'll have time this week to at least carve a few with Kayla before Halloween actually hits us. Happy Halloween!!!


Anonymous said...

Poor little kid!! lol

T + S said...

This looks like such a FUN event! What a great way for everyone to get together and have a safe place for the kids. Your costumes were so much fun, I love Kayla's freckles :)

There is still time for carving pumpkins!! I'm so happy you posted pictures. I wondered how it went for you. Poor little guy :C what a great story though!