Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Kayla!

Friday was Kayla's birthday and our not-so-little girl turned six years old! It makes me both happy and sad to see her grow up. Sometimes I wish she would stay little forever so I could cuddle snuggle with her in the mornings - but I know those days are numbered and will eventually come to an end. On the other hand, I love that she is becoming more confident and self sufficient. It's a nice feeling when you see her attempt something on her own and actually have success. She's growing up so quick!

On Friday, we weren't able to do much with her for her birthday because she has been at Grandma and Grandpa Startin's all summer since Jim and I are both occupied during the day with school and work. So, by the time we both got home and actually got to see her after dinner, we didn't have time for any big festivities.

But we did let her "open" her big birthday present and Kayla is now pleased to announce the addition of two new members to the Brown / Osborne family: Blueberry and Strawberry!!!

This One Above Is Strawberry

This One Above Is Blueberry

This Is Their Home

Blueberry and Strawberry are two totally cute and adorable "Blueberry Dwarf Hamsters". They are actually a lot of fun and pretty active in the early evening hours. They sleep during the day but usually by the time we get home, they are awake and ready to be played with (as much as hamsters can really be played with). Kayla just LOVES them!!! Last summer we attempted adopting two guinea pigs but quickly found out they aren't that much fun and just create a big mess. So we found them new homes and have decided to give the hamsters a try and so far - so good. I think we'll keep 'em.

Next weekend we are going over to Eastern Washington for a family reunion and have decided to really celebrate her birthday then. So - more birthday pictures to follow!


Angie Startin said...

Oh, they grow so fast! Can your believe our babies are 6?? Wow. I love the hampsters names! So cute.

T + S said...

Those are so adorable! I bet the girls have so much fun with them. Hopefully there will be no more escapees!