I forgot to mention something in my last blog that happened last month. Kayla's school was holding a Young Engineers Fair where the kids where encouraged (especially the girls) to build a bridge out of Popsicle sticks and Elmer's glue. They could only use 120 sticks and it had to be one of four different kinds of bridges. The competition was to build a bridge that could withstand the most amount of weight. They had this cool machine that applied weight to the bridge until it cracked. The kids were then sent to talk to a panel of judges where they had to answer questions about their bridge. They were scored on two parts: A) Amount of weight the bridge could withstand and B) The judge's interview. With Jim's help - Kayla built her bridge and it turned out pretty dang good! We think it may have held more weight had we not done all the gluing the night before. It was still a little bit tacky in some spots because we waited until the last minute to put the bridge together. Shame on us. But, they divided the contest up: K - 3rd Grade in the morning and 4th - 6th Grade in the afternoon. Are you ready to hear how she did??? See the pictures below to find out!

Even if engineering isn't something that interests her - I'm still proud of her for doing it and actually being put in front of a panel of judges and answering their questions. I thinks he did a great job! Go Kayla!