Thursday, November 27, 2008
This is the first year EVER that we haven't traveled for our Thanksgiving Day feast. Yesterday I was quite excited, knowing I would be responsible for providing Jim and I with our very first Thanksgiving Day dinner. I even braved the crowds at Fred Meyer yesterday to get my last minute shopping done...along with every other person in the city of Kirland! It was a mad house. But I got what I needed and headed home.
Yesterday - I was excited. Today - I have mixed feelings. It's nice being able to relax with no pressure to get food prepared, be showered and dressed and out the door by a certain time. It's nice having no kids because I have been able to get a lot of things done (like all the Christmas presents wrapped and the office rearranged). It's been nice being able to watch what I want to watch on T.V. and listen to the music that I want to listen to. BUT - I have realized that I have been alone at home ALL day and it's kind of lonely. Jim is on call and has been gone since 8:00 am and just called to tell me he has at least another four hours worth of work to do. So - I haven't even thought of starting dinner. I miss being with my family - I've contemplated driving down there to be with them. I'm still contemplating this idea.
For now - let me tell you about the event that took place on Thanksgiving Eve. Kayla got two Blueberry Dwarf hamsters for her Birthday in July. We have been keeping them in the girls' bathroom because they kind of stink after a couple days of cleaning out their cage and because they are NOISY when they run in their wheel. Anyway - I went into the bathroom yesterday evening and noticed the hamsters up at the top of their cage, one hamster completely still and lying on her back. I picked her up, she was still breathing very rapidly, but was unable to hold up her head or walk. It was like she was paralyzed. I had no idea what possibly could have happened to her. So - I turned to my trusty Google search engine and discovered that female dwarf hamsters are extremely susceptible to strokes!!! They mostly happen in older hamsters, but can strike younger hamsters and the symptoms were identical to those I found in my Google search. Apparently many hamsters fully recover, but they require immediate care. I had no idea how long our hamster had been like that, so all I could do is make her comfortable and hope for the best. I had to hand feed her water through a medicine syringe and cut a tiny blanket out of one of Kayla's old shirts to keep her warm.
I kept her under a lamp in Kayla's room all night to make sure she stayed warm, but woke up this morning and discovered she didn't make it. We are going to bury her in the flower bed outside our front door when Kayla gets back from her dad's Sunday evening. I'm still deciding if we want to replace her right away. We'll see.
On a lighter note - I'm going to end this post with my Thankful 25 List (my own modified version of the Thankful 100 List that has been going around).
I Am Thankful For (In No Particular Order)...
1. My family (both extended and immediate).
2. Jim and everything he does to support me.
3. Our girls and the entertainment they bring us.
4. A healthy and happy family.
5. Close friends.
6. Electricity and Technology.
7. My Vacuum cleaner and feather dusters.
8. Family pets.
9. Fleece blankets and flannel sheets.
10. That Jim works so hard to support our family so that I can go to school.
11. That gas prices have gone down (even if only temporarily).
12. Survivor Nights (though they don't happen nearly often enough this season).
13. Flowers and trees and the colors they provide in this world.
14. Holidays.
15. Diet Dr. Pepper.
16. Water bottles and water.
17. School and the job opportunities that will open up once I'm done.
18. Hot showers.
19. Washers and Dryers.
20. The sun and the rain.
21. Cameras and the memories they capture.
22. My parents and everything they have done for me and for all that they continue to do.
23. Weddings.
24. Those who have fought for our country and those fighting right now so that I am able to live the life I am living.
25. My freedom.
Posted by Amy Brown at 12:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
November Happenings
November has been a busy month for all of us. With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away - I'm getting so excited to start decorating for Christmas! Kayla and I spent most of last night trying to figure out where we wanted to put the Christmas tree this year. We still aren't sure - but I think we have a few ideas. Jim and I took a couple of days off together at the beginning of the month for my birthday and just to spend some time together. In between birthday celebrations, we managed to finish all our Christmas shopping - it was great!
For my birthday, I had asked for a sewing machine. I've grown up watching my Grams make some amazing things and I have always thought it would be cool to learn how to sew. But, my mom never learned how to sew - and I never learned how to sew....until now. I LOVE my sewing machine! But really - I can't sew worth beans. I decided I was going to make a bunch of Christmas gifts this year - the majority being doll clothes for Kayla's baby because that's what she has been wanting. However - I have quickly realized that I don't know squat about patterns, thread, material, and just sewing in general. I started making one of the doll outfits but had to stop because I can't figure out how to sew the sleeves onto the shirt. I've tried - had to pull the stitch out (twice) and just can't seem to figure it out. So - I'm beginning to think I might be in a little bit of trouble. With the help of my Grams, however, I did manage to put together this really cute little bag for Kayla and her "stuff". She loves it! I have a pattern for a bigger version that I plan on making as a diaper bag for Kayla's dolls. But until I learn a thing or two - the sewing has been put temporarily on hold. And if that temporary hold lasts too long - some people won't be getting Christmas gifts this year - Ahhh!
In other news - Kayla recently started taking ballet and gymnastics classes at Northwest Aerials here in Kirkland. She has always loved to dance and do somersaults and such - but our schedules have been so hectic, we just weren't able to do anything with her creative energy. Recently, however, I found this place just a half mile from our house that was able to accommodate our schedule so I signed her up. Her classes are every Tuesday and Thursday and are meant to introduce kids to both ballet and gymnastics - so each day she does 30 minutes of gymnastics followed by 30 minutes of ballet. We originally only had her signed up for one day a week - but after her first class, she was so in love with it, we decided to sign her up for a second day. It has been great for her and she has made a couple of new friends there too.
And just for some simple laughs - I took these pictures the other night and for those of you who know Kayla - you'll definitely get a laugh out of them. For those of you who don't - let me explain. Kayla received a hand-knitted blanket when she was born and she fell in love with it right away. She has gone through one blanket already and we had to kindly ask the lady who made the first one if she could make a second as blankie #1 was in desperate need of going to the blankie graveyard. So - we are on to blankie #2 (Kayla still thinks it's the original - she has no idea). She has managed to pull one of the yarn strings from the blanket and she likes to tickle the inside of her nose with this string while she sucks her thumb - yes - I have a thumb-sucker. The other night, she fell asleep on the couch just like this....
Posted by Amy Brown at 3:19 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I Voted - Did You?
I don't want to get too carried away with the subject of voting - but this is the first year I have actually taken an interest in our presidential candidates and have spent many days doing my homework before finally casting my vote today. Now I am just feeling anxious and nervous about what the future holds for this country. And without going too far into my own personal political views, I will just say that this is such a crucial time for our country and I just pray that our next president is able to lead this country and hopefully restore my faith in our government.
Posted by Amy Brown at 4:40 PM 0 comments